Friday, January 31, 2014

Ellie: A checkup

Since I've been gone (insert Kelly Clarkson song) from this here blog, I figure you are all probably wondering just what my daughter looks like now.  And, if not, TOO BAD.  But seriously, what do you expect from a mother with a really really ridiculously good looking baby?

Well, I'll just ease your little hearts and tell you that she really doesn't look that much different.  At least, I think she doesn't.

What do you think?

We can even do a side-by-side comparison of a grainy birth picture and now (4 1/2 months).

Okay, okay.  She does look pretty darn different in THOSE pictures. I still can't believe that the baby on the left was just a day old only 4 1/2 months ago.

And, only 4 months ago, heck, even 1 1/2 months ago, she couldn't play with her toys...

 ...put her toys in her mouth...

...or even show off her incredible flexibility, core strength, and desire for chewing on her toes.

But, she still has her crazy long fingers.

I mean, look at those compared to MY fingers!
She's going to be a pianist folks.

At our last appointment she was 15 lbs 11 oz and 26.75 in long. She's becoming a big and long little girl.  The weird thing is that she's all torso. I don't know where she got that from.  Probably Nick's side.  My side is all legs.

I'm still trying to figure out how someone so little requires such BIG things! Think about it.  The crib, swing, exersaucer, chair, dresser of clothes, changing table, stroller, and the list continues!  It never ends.

But, it's all worth it because I am head over heels for her.  Everyday she smiles and no matter how tired or stressed out I am, it never ceases to make me feel better and put a smile on my own face.

Plus, she's getting really good at taking selfies.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Hello? Is this thing on?

This poor poor space on the Internet.

It is getting left behind.

Left behind while our life gets crazier and busier. 

I had good intentions of jumping back on the bandwagon as soon as the new year hit. I even typed out a year in review AND a resolutions post that didn't quite get finished.

But, life got crazy. Really crazy. I got a call 3 days before to start my new job a week earlier than I had planned. It was a stressful stressful weekend/week.  I may have pulled all of my hair out and am now bald.  Okay, maybe not, but I was still running around like crazy trying to figure it all out.  By the way, I'm teaching K-8 music at a small Christian school. It is going awesome now that I have a feel for the kiddos and what I want to teach. Teaching music rocks.  Just sayin'.

Back story: I got this job in the middle of the year because their original teacher quit 2 weeks into the school year and they've have two, TWO other subs since.  I have no curriculum and I had no idea (still don't really) what the kids knew from previous teachers.  It's been a pain in the butt.  Did I mention that this school is in a church and my classroom isn't really a classroom because it gets used by the church on the weekends?  It's frustrating not having your "own" classroom.  

Nick, on the other hand, got a new job the SAME week that I started a new job. And that was a total last minute decision.

It was seriously crazy around here folks.

Luckily, Ellie is just getting cuter (and way more fun).  She rolled over for the first time the day after Christmas, is starting to eat solids, and loves to play.  It's pretty dang fun.  You'll get a better update later.   When I start writing blog posts more often.

I'm trying to catch up with all of my blog reading.  I missed the blog world.  I missed the people!  I hope we can still be friends.  If I could I'd bake you all "I'm sorry" cakes to make up for my absence.

Things can only get less crazy from here on out, right?  Right...